

Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald FRAS

  • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
  • Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften (IOA)
  • Abteilung für Asiatische und Islamische Kunstgeschichte (AiK)
  • Adenauerallee 10
  • 53113 Bonn
  • Tel.: 0049 228 73-7213
  • Fax: 0049 228 73-4042
  • Email:
  • Website:

  • Current Positions
  • Professor of Oriental Art History
  • Head of the Department of Asian and Islamic Art History (AIK)
  • Member of the elected Faculty Board (since SS 2020)
  • Deputy Member of the Doctoral Committee, Faculty of Humanities, The University of Bonn
  • Head of the BIGS-OAS year group 2016
  • Principal Investigator (PI), Cluster of Excellence “Beyond Slavery and Freedom: Asymmetrical Dependencies in Pre-modern Societies” (DFG)
  • Student Loans Representative for the letter "S" (Bafög-Beauftragte) (since Dec 2021)
  • Member of the election board of the senate (Wahlvorstand des Senats), University of Bonn
  • Research Interests
  • •  South Asian and Himalayan art and architecture
  • •  Water architecture in South Asia
  • •  Jaina art and temple architecture
  • •  Jaina culture in Karnataka
  • •  Re-use theory
  • •  City planning
  • Stand: Januar 2024

Academic Qualifications

2008 Habilitation (German higher doctorate), University of Aachen (RWTH)
1998 PhD in History of Indian Architecture
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), The University of London
1998 MA, University of Oxford
1994 BA in Art & Archaeology with Nepali
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), The University of London

Employment History

Since 2010 Full Professor of Oriental Art (tenure), Head of the Department of Asian and Islamic Art History
2008-2010 Reader (Senior Associate Professor) in the History of Art and Architecture of South Asia, the Himalayas and Tibet, Art History and Visual Studies (AHVS), The University of Manchester
2007-2008 Lecturer in the History of Art and Architecture of South Asia, the Himalayas and Tibet, Art History and Visual Studies (AHVS), The University of Manchester
2005-2014 Head of the Emmy Noether-Research Project on Jainism and Jaina art in Karnataka
2005-2007 Research Assistant, South Asia Institute (SAI), Heidelberg University
2001−2005 Special Supernumerary Fellow in Indian Architecture, University College,
The University of Oxford
2000-2004 Academic Director for the National University of Singapore and the Peking Law School Exchange Schemes, University College, The University of Oxford
1998−2001 Junior Research Fellow in Indian Architecture, University College, The University of Oxford
1996−1998 Vetting of Nepali Exam Papers for University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate

Between 1998 and 2005 regular teaching for:
•  Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London
•  Southern Methodist University (SMU) Dallas, at the University of Oxford
•  Washington International Studies Council, at the University of Oxford

Between 1994 and 1998 regular teaching for:
•  Department of Art and Archaeology SOAS
•  The Language Centre SOAS
•  The Department of the Languages SOAS
•  SOAS and Christie’s Arts of Asia & Africa Course
Stand: Mai 2018



1. 2002

Water Architecture in South Asia: A Study of Types Developments and Meanings. Brill, Studies in Asian Art and Archaeology No. 24, Leiden. ISBN 90 04 12352 0.
2. 2009 Jaina Temple Architecture in India: The Development of a Distinct Language in Space and Ritual. Monographien zur indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie, Band 19, Herausgeber Stiftung Ernst Waldschmidt, G+H-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-940939-09-8.
3. 2018 Jaina Temple Architecture in India: The Development of a Distinct Language in Space and Ritual. HIndi Granth Karyalay, Mumbai, ISBN 978-81-88769-71-1 (Indian reprint).
4. 2021 Jaina Tradition of the Deccan: Shravanabelagola, Mudabidri, Karkala. Deccan Heritage Foundation India, Deccan Heritage Foundation / Jaico Guidebook Series, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai. ISBN 978-93-90166-92-3
5. 2024 Jaina Temple Architecture in India: The Development of a Distinct Language in Space and Ritual. Heidelberg: Heidelberg Asian Studies Publishing, 2024 (Monographien zur indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie, Band 19).

Edited Books:

1. 2011 The Jaina Heritage: Distinction, Decline and Resilience. (ed.), Heidelberg Series in South Asian and Comparative Studies, Samskriti Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN 978-81-87374-67-1.
2. 2012 Re-use: The Art and Politics of Integration and Anxiety. (eds. with Subrata K. Mitra), Sage Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN 978-81-321-0655-5.
3. 2014 In the Shadow of the Golden Age: Art and Identity in Asia from Gandhara to the Modern Age. (ed.), Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 1, EB-Verlag, Berlin
ISBN 978-3-86893-149-5.
4. 2015 Jaina Painting and Manuscript Culture: In Memory of Paolo Pianarosa. (ed.), Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 3, EB-Verlag, Berlin
ISBN 978-3-86893-174-7.
5. 2020 In the Footsteps of the Masters: Footprints, Feet and Shoes as Objects of Veneration in Asian, Islamic and Mediterranean Art. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 7, Eb-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-86893-332-1
6. 2023 Embodied Dependencies and Freedoms: Artistic Communities and Patronage in Asia. Julia A. B. Hegewald (ed.), Dependency and Slavery Studies, De Gruyter, Berlin & Boston.
7. 2024 Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind. Julia A.B. Hegewald and Marion Gymnich (eds), Reality and Hermeneutics 7, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen.

Articles in Journals and Chapters in Books

1. 1994 “The Mimosa Flower: Pārijāt’s Reflections on the Meaning of Life.” Journal of South Asian Literature. Michigan State University, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 190−202.
2. 1996 “ ‘Our Studio is Nature’: The Work of the New Art Circle in Nepal.” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. 10, pp. 95−104.
3. 1996 “Depictions of the Cosmos in the Water Architecture of South Asia.” Cosmos: The Journal of the Traditional Cosmology Society. Vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 115−129.
4. 1997 “Water Architecture in the Kathmandu Valley: Function and Faith.” South Asian Archaeology 1995. Vol. 2, Raymond Allchin & Bridget Allchin (eds.), Published for The Ancient India and Iran Trust, Cambridge, Oxford & IBH Publishing, New Delhi and Calcutta, pp. 827−836.
5. 1997 “The Lotus Pool: Buddhist Water Sanctuaries in the Kathmandu Valley.” South Asian Studies. No. 13, pp. 145−159.
6. 2000 “Diversity and Development in South Asian Kuṇḍa Architecture.” South Asian Archaeology 1997. Vol. III, Maurizio Taddei & Giuseppe De Marco (eds.), Serie Orientale Roma Vol. XC, Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Rome, pp. 1455−1469.
7. 2000 “Oceans, Islands and Sacred Mountains: Representations of Cosmic Geography in Jaina Art and Architecture.” Cosmos: The Journal of the Traditional Cosmology Society. No. 16,
pp. 3−42.
8. 2001 “Water Architecture in Rajasthan.” In: G. Tillotson (ed.), Stones in the Sand – The Architecture of Rajasthan. Mārg. Vol. 52, no. 4, Mārg Publications, Mumbai, pp. 78−89.
Published once again in the same form in 2004 in: Rajasthan. Mārg Publications (with Pergo), Mumbai, pp. 16−27.
9. 2001 “Multi-shrined Complexes: The Ordering of Space in Jaina Temple Architecture in North-Western India.” South Asian Studies. Vol. 17, pp. 77−96.
10. 2002 “The Water Landscape of South Asia: Types, Themes and Continuities.” In: U. Fratino, A. Petrillo, A. Petruccioli & M. Stella (eds.), Landscapes of Water: History, Innovation and Sustainable Design. Vol. 1, Uniongrafica Corecelli Editrice, Bari, pp. 81−84.
11. 2002 “Aspects of Jaina Temple Architecture in Rajasthan and Gujarat.” South Asia Research.
Vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 107−122.
12. 2005 “Representations of the Jina’s Birth and Enlightenment in Jaina Art, Architecture and Ritual.” In: U. Franke-Vogt & J. Weisshaar (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 2003. Forschung zur Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen Vol. 1 (DAI), Linden Soft, Aachen, pp. 491−499.
13. 2005 “Ghats and Riverside Palaces.” In: George Michell & Rana P. B. Singh (eds.), Banaras: The City Revealed. Mārg. Vol. 57, no. 2, Mārg Publications, Mumbai, pp. 66-77.
14. 2006 “From Śiva to Pārśvanātha: The Appropriation of a Hindu Temple for Jaina Worship.” In: Catherine Jarrige & Vincent Lefèvre (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 2001. 2 vols., adpf, Editions Recherches sur les Civilisations, Paris. pp. 517-523.
15. 2006 “Architectural, Sculptural and Religious Change: A New Interpretation of the Jaina Temples at Khajuraho.” In: P. Flügel (ed.), Studies in Jaina History and Culture: Disputes and Dialogues. Routledge Advances in Jaina Studies, vol. 1, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 401-418.
16. 2006 “Tīrthas and Tīrthaṅkaras: Water Architecture and the Jaina Temple.” In: Gerd J. R. Mevissen & Klaus Bruhn (eds.), Vanamālā: Festschrift A. J. Gail. Weidler Buchverlag, Berlin, pp. 67-77.
17. 2007 “Jaina Temples in the Deccan: Characteristics, Chronology and Continuity.” Journal of Deccan Studies. Special issue on Jainism (guest editor: Prof. Aloka Parasher-Sen), vol. V, no. 1, January-June 2007, pp. 9-38.
18. 2007 Meru, Samavasaraṇa and Siṁhāsana: The Recurrence of Three-tiered Structures in Jaina Cosmology, Mythology and Ritual.” In: Gouriswar Bhattacharya, Gerd J.R. Mevissen, Mallar Mitra & Sutapa Sinha (eds.), Kalhār (White Water-Lily). Studies in Art, Iconography, Architecture and Archaeology of India and Bangladesh (Professor Enamul Haque Felicitation Volume). Kaveri Books, Delhi, pp. 132-146 and plates: 17.1-20.
19. 2007 “Domes, Tombs and Minarets: Islamic Influences on Jaina Architecture.” In: Adam Hardy (ed.), The Temple in South Asia. Volume 2 of the proceedings of the 18th conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, London 2005. British Association for South Asian Studies and the British Academy, London, pp. 179-190.
20. 2008 “Jagannatha Compared: The politics of appropriation, re-use and regional state traditions in India.” with Subrata K. Mitra, Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics (HPSACP), no. 36, pp. 1-37. [Online:].
21. 2008 “Jaina Temple Architecture: A Progression from Images to Shrines and Temple Cities.” In: Ellen M. Raven (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1999. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, Egbert Forsten, Gronningen, pp. 427-437.
22. 2009 “Jala Mandirs, Tīrtha Paṭas and Cosmic Islands: Creating, Replicating and Representing Landscape in Jaina Art and Architecture.” In: Gerd J. R. Mevissen & Arundhati Banerji (eds.), Prajñādhara: Essays on Asian Art History, Epigraphy and Culture in Honour of Gouriswar Bhattacharya. Kaveri Books, New Delhi, pp. 422-437 and plates 43.1-43.20.
23. 2009 “Jaina Temple Architecture in India from the Fifteenth and later Centuries: Stylistic, religious and political meanings.” In: Anke Fissabre & Caroline Helmenstein (eds.), Festschrift: Jan Pieper zum 65. Geburtstag—Von seinen Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen. Gesammelt und zusammengestellt am Lehrstuhl für Baugeschichte der RWTH Aachen, Eigenverlag,
pp. 67-88.
24. 2009 “Sacred Place and Structured Space: Temple architecture and pilgrimage in Jainism.” In: Phyllis Granoff (ed.), Victorious Ones: Jain Images of Perfection. The Rubin Museum of Art, New York, pp. 90-110.
25. 2010 “Visual and Conceptual Links between Jaina Cosmological, Mythological and Ritual Instruments.” International Journal of Jaina Studies (IJJS). Vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-20 [Online:].
26. 2011 “Introduction: The Jaina Heritage of Southern India and Karnataka.“ In: Julia A. B. Hegewald (ed.), The Jaina Heritage: Distinction, Decline and Resilience. Heidelberg Series in South Asian Studies, Samskriti Publishers, Delhi, pp. 1-26.
27. 2011 “Sacred Symbols, Enlightened Beings and Temple Guardians: The Display of Holy Elements on Pillars in Jaina Temple Complexes in Karnataka.” In: Julia A. B. Hegewald (ed.), The Jaina Heritage: Distinction, Decline and Resilience. Heidelberg Series in South Asian Studies, Samskriti Publishers, Delhi, pp. 134-160.
28. 2011 “The Persian Paradise Garden: Its South Asian Continuity.” In: World Heritage. Special Issue on Water, UNESCO, pp. 38-45.
29. 2011

“Visual and Conceptual Links between Jaina Cosmological, Mythological and Ritual Instruments.” International Journal of Jaina Studies (IJJS). Vols. 4-6, 2008-2010, Peter Flügel (ed.), Hindi Granth Karyalay, Mumbai, pp. 209-227.
30. 2011 "Living Traditions: Aquatic Architecture and Imagery in the Kathmandu Valley." In: Deepak Shimkhada (ed.), Nepal: Nostalgia and Modernity. Mārg Publications, Mumbai, pp.37-45.
31. 2011 "Jain temples." Web publication,, Institute of Jainology, (first published: November 2011).
32. 2012 “Jaina Havelī Temples in Northern India: Sources, Developments and Ritual Use.” In: Jayandra Soni (ed.), Jaina Studies: Proceedings of the DOT 2010 Panel in Marburg, Germany. Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi, pp. 131-165.
33. 2012 “Building Citizenship: The Agency of Public Buildings and Urban Planning in the Making of the Indian Citizen.“ In: Subrata K. Mitra (ed.), Citizenship in South Asia. Samskriti Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 291-337.
Published once again with minor alterations in 2013 in: Subrata K. Mitra (ed.), Citizenship as Cultural Flow: Structure, Agency and Power. Transcultural Research, Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context, Springer Verlag, Trossingen, pp. 229-263.
34. 2012 “Art and Politics: The Dialectics of Duality, Affinity and Confluence.” (Chapter 1, Introduction, together with Subrata K. Mitra), in: Julia A. B. Hegewald & Subrata K. Mitra (eds.), Re-use: The Art and Politics of Integration and Anxiety. Sage Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 1-29.
35. 2012 “Towards a Theory of Re-use: Ruin, Retro and Fake Versus Improvement, Innovation and Integration.” In: Julia A. B. Hegewald & Subrata K. Mitra (eds.), Re-use: The Art and Politics of Integration and Anxiety. Sage Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 30-54.
36. 2012 “The Past in the Present: Temple Conversions in Karnataka and Appropriation and Re-use in Orissa.” (Chapter 3, together with Subrata K. Mitra), in: Julia A. B. Hegewald & Subrata K. Mitra (eds.), Re-use: The Art and Politics of Integration and Anxiety. Sage Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 55-85
37. 2012 "Jain Bastis." In: George Michell (ed.), Kanara - A Land Apart: The Artistic Heritage of Coastal Karnataka. Marg. Marg Publikations, Mumbai, pp. 30-43.
38. 2012 "Cave temples." Web publication,, Institute of Jainology,
(first published: December 2012).
39. 2012 "Reflections on the Past - Perspectives for the Future: Re-use Theory as a Method for Critical Analysis in Art-historical Research." In: Tiziana Lorenzetti & Fabio Scialpi (eds.), Reflections on the Past - Perspectives for the Future, Proceedings of the International Congress, Rome, 18-19 April 2011. Studi umanistici: Ricerche sull' Oriente, Collana Convegni 19, Sapienza Università Editrice, Rome, pp. 77-100.
40. 2013 “Building Citizenship: The Agency of Public Buildings and Urban Planning in the Making of the Indian Citizen.“ In: Subrata K. Mitra (ed.), Citizenship as Cultural Flow: Structure, Agency and Power. Transcultural Research, Heidelberg Studies
41. 2013 "Images of the Cosmos: Sacred and Ritual Space in Jaina Temple Architecture in India." In: Deena Ragavan (ed.), Heaven on Earth: Temples, Ritual and Cosmic Symbolism in the Ancient World. Orienal Institute Seminars, No. 9, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, pp. 55-88.
42. 2013 "Temple-cities." Web publication,, Institute of Jainology, (first published: September 2013).
43. 2014 "Foreword." In: Pratyush Shankar, Himalayan Cities: Settlement Pattern, Public Places and Architecture. Niyogi Books, New Delhi, pp. 7-10.
44. 2014 "Preface." In: Julia A.B. Hegewald (ed.), In the Shadow ot the Golden Age: Art and Identity in Asia from Gandhara to the Modern Age. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 1, EB-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 27-28.
45. 2014 "Introduction: Out of the Shadow of the Golden Age." In: Julia A.B. Hegewald (ed.), In the Shadow of the Golden Age: Art and Identity in Asia from Gandhara to the Modern Age. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 1, EB-Verlag, Berlin, p. 31-76.
46. 2014 "Golden Age or Kali-Yuga?: The Changing Fortunes of Jaina Art and Identity in Karnataka." In. Julia A.B. Hegewald (ed.), In the Shadow of the Golden Age: Art and Identity in Asia from Gandhara to the Modern Age. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 1, EB-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 311-346.
47. 2014 “Images of Empire: Re-use in the Architecture and City Planning of British India.” In: Thierry Di Costanzo & Guillaume Ducœur (eds.), Decolonization and the Struggle for National Liberation in India (1909-1971): Historical, Political, Economic, Religious and Architectural Aspects. Anglo-Amerikanische Studien / Anglo-American Studies Band 48, Peter Lang Edition, Frankfurt, pp. 77-93.
48. 2014 "Jaina and Buddhist Art and Architecture in India: Similarities and Differences." In: J. Soni, M. Pahlke & C. Cüppers (eds.), Buddhist and Jaina Studies: Proceedings of the Conference in Lumbini, February 2013. Lumbini International Research Institute, Lumbini, pp. 3-48.
49. 2014 "The Temple as Symbol: Reflections of Ritual Practices and Sacred Beliefs in Jaina Temple Architecture." Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni (SMSR). 80/2, Sapienza Università die Roma, Mocellinana, pp. 487-510.
50. 2015 "Sacred Pavilions." Web publication,, Institute of Jainology, (first published: March 2015).
51. 2015 "Foreword." For: Tiziana Lorenzetti, Understanding the Hindu Temple: History, Symbols and Forms. Studies in Asian Art and Cutlure (SAAC), vol. 2, Eb-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 9-11.
52. 2015 "Introduction: Jaina Manuscript Culture and the Pianarosa Library in Bonn." In: Julia A.B. Hegewald (ed.), Jaina Painting and Manuscript Culture: In Memory of Paolo Pianarosa. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 3, Eb-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 13-31.
53. 2015 "The Multiple Meanings of Manuscripts in Jaina Art and Sacred Space." In: Julia A.B. Hegewald (ed.), Jaina Painting and Manuscript Cutlure: In Memory of Paolo Pianarosa. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 3, Eb-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 45-80.
54. 2015 “Śaiva - Jaina - Liṅgāyat: Appropriation and Re-use of Sacred Architectural Space in Central and Southern India.” In: Luitgard Soni & Jayandra Soni (eds.), Sanmati: Essays Felicitating Professor Hampa Nagarajaiah on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. Sapna Book House,
Bangalore, pp. 239-284.
55. 2015 “The International Jaina Style?: Māru-Gurjara Temples Under the Solaṅkīs, Throughout India and in the Diaspora.” Ars Orientalis. No. 45, Nachiket Chanchani and Tamara I. Sears (Guest Editors), pp. 114-140. Online version at:
56. 2016 Maṇḍapa-line Temples.” Web publication,, Institute of Jainology, Web publication,, Institute of Jainology, (first published: June 2016).
57. 2016 “Jaina Sites: Water Structures and Symbolism.” In: Jutta Jain-Neubauer (ed.), Water Design: Environment and Histories. Mārg. Vol. 68, no. 1 (September), Mārg Publications, Mumbai, pp. 108–115.
58. 2016 “Style, Continuity and Identity: The Māru-Gurjara (Solaṅkī) Style of Jaina Architecture in India.” In: Vincent Lefèvre, Aurore Didier and Bejamin Mutin (eds.), South Asian Archaeology and Art 2012: South Asian Religions and Visual Forms in their Archaeological Context. Vol. 2, Indicopleustoi: Archaeologies of the Indian Ocean No. 12, Brepols, Paris, pp. 533-548.
59. 2018 "Distinctiveness and Diversity in Jaina Temple Architecture". Orientations. Vol 49, no. 3 (May/June), pp. 61-72.
60. 2019 "Pagodas, Pillars and Popular Cults: The Jaina Bastis of Coastal Karnataka." Veranda, Vol, 1, pp. 14-37.
61. 2020 "Architecture." In: J. E. Cort, P. Dundas, K. A. Jacobson & K.L. Wiley, (eds.), Brill's Encyclopedia of Jainism, Brill, Leiden, pp. 613--666.
62. 2020 "Pādukās: Revered Foot Imprints in the Jaina art of India". In: Laxshmi Rose Greaves & Adam Hardy (eds.), Bridging Heaven and Earth: Art and Architecture in South Asia, 5th- 21st century CE (Research Presented at the Twenty-third Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Cardiff 2016, vol. 2). Dev Publications, New Delhi, pp. 163-74.
63. 2020 “Architecture of Independence: Continuity and Innovation in Indian Government Buildings and Urban Planning.” In: Tiziana Lorenzetti (ed.), Voices of Freedom: Society, Culture and Ideas in the 70th Year of Indias Independence. Conferenze ISMEO 3, ISMEO, Rome, p. 83-113.
64. 2020 “Mandirs, Maps and Cosmologies: The Role of Landscape in Jaina Art and Identity.” In: Jeannine Bischoff, Petra Maurer & Charles Ramble (eds.) One a Day of a Month of the Fire Bird Year: Festschrift for Peter Schwieger on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Lumbini International Research Institute (LIRI), Lumbini, pp. 315-330.
65. 2020 “Preface.” In the Footsteps of the Masters: Footprints, Feet and Shoes as Objects of Veneration in Asian, Islamic and Mediterranean Art. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 7, Eb-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 11-13.
66. 2020 “Foreword: Foot Images in World Art.” In the Footsteps of the Masters: Footprints, Feet and Shoes as Objects of Veneration in Asian, Islamic and Mediterranean Art. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 7, Eb-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 15-20.
67. 2020 “Introduction: Footprints, Sculpted Feet and Shoes in the Art of Asia and the Islamic and Mediterranean Worlds” In the Footsteps of the Masters: Footprints, Feet and Shoes as Objects of Veneration in Asian, Islamic and Mediterranean Art. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 7, Eb-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 21-116.
68. 2020 “Foot Stones and Footprints (Pādukās): Multivariate Symbols in Jaina Religious Practice in India.” In the Footsteps of the Masters: Footprints, Feet and Shoes as Objects of Veneration in Asian, Islamic and Mediterranean Art. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 7, Eb-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 357-423.
69. 2021 “Spuren von Gottheiten, Heroen und Erleuchteten: Zu Bedeutung und Vielfalt artifizieller Fußspuren im antiken Mittelmeerraum und in Indien.” Julia A. B. Hegewald und Ralf Krumeich, Antike Welt 1/21, pp. 39-48.
70. 2021 “Architecture and Urbanism as Means of Political Communication: The Case of Chandigarh.” In: Trang-Dai Vu, Oliver Pye, Hans Dieter Ölschläger und Günther Distelrath (eds), Humanistische Anthropologie. Ethnologische Begegnungen in einer globalisierten Welt: Festschrift für Christoph Antweiler zu seinem fünfundsechzigsten Geburtstag von seinen Freund*innen und Kolleg*innen. Bonner Asienwissenschaften, Band 20, EB-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 431-449 and figs. XIX-XXV.
71. 2021 “Jainism: Religious Foundations, Venerated Icons and Temple Structures.” In: Laurent Basanese, S.J. & Paolo Trianni (eds.), Religioni in Asia: Uno sguardo contestuale. Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations. Vol. 13, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Rome, p. 123-134.

72. 2021 “Extreme Dependency as a Creative Catalyst in Early Indo-Islamic Architecture of  the Slave Dynasty.” In: Ulrike Niklas, Heinz Werner Wessler, Peter Wyzlic und Stefan Zimmer (eds.). „Das alles hier“ Festschrift für Konrad Klaus zum 65. Geburtstag. Xasia eBooks, Heidelberg, pp. 151-174.
73. 2022 “Temple Tanks and Wells: Water Architecture in the Hindu Tradition.” In: Cathleen A. Cummings (ed.), Studies in South Asian Art and Culture (SAAC) Vol. 8, EB-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 95-109.
74. 2022 “Dependency, Subjugation and Survival: A Working Paper on the Jaina Culture in Medieval Karnataka, South India.” BCDSS Working Papers, 2022/09,  Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, 1-35.
75. 2023 “Preface.” In: Julia A. B. Hegewald (ed.), Embodied Dependencies and Freedoms: Artistic Communities and Patronage in Asia. Dependency and Slavery Studies, De Gruyter, Berlin & Boston, p. vii-ix.
76. 2023 “Introduction: Embodiments of Dependencies and Freedoms in Asian Art.” In: Julia A. B. Hegewald (ed.), Embodied Dependencies and Freedoms: Artistic Communities and Patronage in Asia. Dependency and Slavery Studies, De Gruyter, Berlin & Boston, p. 1-32.
77. 2023  “Temple Architecture in Coastal Karnataka: An Interplay of Climatic Dependencies and Artistic Freedoms.” In: Julia A. B. Hegewald (ed.), Embodied Dependencies and Freedoms: Artistic Communities and Patronage in Asia. Dependency and Slavery Studies, De Gruyter, Berlin & Boston, p. 69-96.
78. 2024 “Reflections of Islamic Stylistic Features and Planning Principles in the Later Jaina Temple Architecture of India.” In: Baugedanken: Einsichten, Ansichten, Aussichten für Jan Pieper zum 80. Geburtstag. Anke Naujokat, Verena Hake, Bruno Schindler, Björn Schötten (eds), Geymüller Verlag für Architektur, Aachen und Berlin, pp. 126-136.
79. 2024 “Preface.” Together with Marion Gymnich. In: Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind. Julia A.B. Hegewald and Marion Gymnich (eds), In: Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind. Julia A.B. Hegewald and Marion Gymnich (eds), Reality and Hermeneutics 7, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen, pp. IX-X.
80. 2024 “Introduction: Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind in Traditional and Modern Contexts.” Together with Marion Gymnich. In: Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind. Julia A.B. Hegewald and Marion Gymnich (eds), Reality and Hermeneutics 7, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen, pp. 1-12
81. 2024 “Prevalent Themes and Motifs in Traditional Creation Mythology In: Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind. Julia A.B. Hegewald and Marion Gymnich (eds), Reality and Hermeneutics 7, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen, pp. 13-61
82. 2024 “Reflections of the Origins of the World in the Water Architecture of South Asia.” In: Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind. Julia A.B. Hegewald and Marion Gymnich (eds), Reality and Hermeneutics 7, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen, pp.  149-188.
83. 2024 “Tee im kolonialen Indien.” In: Abhängig! Globalhistorische Perspektiven auf Ressourcen und Sklaverei. Martin Bentz, Nikolai Grube und Patrick Zeidler (eds), Sandstein Verlag, Dresden, pp. 206-211.
84. 2024 “Dependencies on Water in the Urban History of Early South Asia.” In: Aloka Parasher Sen (ed.), Handbook on Urban History of Early India. Springer, Singapore, pp. 149-169.
85. 2024 “Digambara Jaina monks in India: Rejecting Dependencies on Clothing.” Digital Exhibition: “Enmeshed & Entwined: Textures of Dependency.” Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, The University of Bonn (last accessed: 31.10.2024).
86. 2024 “Digambara-Jaina-Mönche in Indien: Die Ablehnung der Abhängigkeit von Kleidung.” Digitale Ausstellung: “Verstrickt und Verwoben: Texturen der Abhängigkeit.” Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, Universität Bonn (last accessed: 31.10.2024).
87. 2024 “Vīraśaiva and Jaina Rivalries in Medieval South India: Creating and Overcoming Structures of Dependency.” In: Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose (eds), Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency. Dependency and Slavery Studies Vol 14, pp. 155-177.
88. 2024 “Tea and Colonial India.” In: Martin Bentz, Mikolai Grube and Patrick Zeidler (eds), Dependent: Global Perspectives on the History of Resources and Slavery. Sandstein Verlag, pp. 206-211.

Book Reviews

1. 1994 Emily Lyle (ed.), Sacred Architecture in the Tradition of India, China, Judaism and Islam (Edinburgh University Press, 1992): South Asian Studies. No. 10, pp. 125−128.
2. 1996 Ruth Lila Schmidt (ed.), A Practical Dictionary of Modern Nepali (Ratna Sagar, New Delhi, 1993): International Journal of Lexicography. Vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 147−152.
3. 1996 Pratapaditya Pal (ed.), The Peaceful Liberators: Jaina Art from India (Thames and Hudson and Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles, New York and London, 1994): South Asia Research. Vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 91−95.
4. 1997 Axel Michaels (ed.), A Rāma Temple in 19th-Century Nepal: History and Architecture of the Rāmacandra Temple in Battīsputalī, Kathmandu (Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1995): Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. Vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 577−78.
5. 2000 Hugo E. Kreijger, Kathmandu Valley Painting: The Jucker Collection (Serindia Publications, London, 1999): European Bulletin of Himalayan Research. Vol. 18, pp. 100−102.

Articles in Newspapers and Magazines

1. 1994 “New Art Circle’s First Exhibition in Nepal.” The Sunday Times, Kathmandu, 9 October1994,
p. 2.
2. 1996 “A Study of Water Architecture in India.” German News: Monthly Magazine from the German Embassy, New Delhi. Vol. 37, p. 23
3. 1997 “The Water Architecture of the Kathmandu Valley.” Journal of the Britain Nepal Society. No. 21, pp. 12−16.
4. 2005 “New DFG-funded research project on Jainism in Karnataka.” SAI Report 2005. South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, p.18.
5. 2006 “Emmy Noether-Research Group (DFG) on Jainism in Karnataka has Started its Work.” SAI Report 2006. South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, p. 5 (and title page).
6. 2006 “Jainism in Karnataka: An Interdisciplinary Look at an Indian Religious Community.” Research Focus: India. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, pp. 3-4.
7. 2007 “Research Group on Jainism in Karnataka documents: The Great Mahāmastakābhiṣeka.” Jaina Studies: Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies. School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, March 2007, issue 2, pp. 16-18.
8. 2007 “Karnataka’s Neglected Jaina Heritage: The activities of the Emmy Noether Research Group.” SAI Report 2007. South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, p. 16.
9. 2008 “Jaina Art and Architecture in India.” Understanding Visual Culture: The Newsletter of Art History & Visual Studies at Manchester. The University of Manchester, Issue One, May 2008, p. 2.
10. 2013 "The Pianarosa Jaina Library at the University of Bonn." Together with Erika Schwager, Jaina Studies: Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies. School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), The Unversity of London, issue 8 (March 2013), pp. 52-53.
11. 2020 "Extreme Forms of Dependency Mirrored in the Art and Architecture of Karnataka, South India." Dependent. The Magazine of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies. 20/1, pp. 14-17
12. 2020 "Dependency, Inequality and Material Culture: International Conference February 12-14, 2019." Dependent. The Magazine of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies. 20/1, pp. 36-37.
13. 2021 “Dependency on Building Resources and Expertise in the Himalayas.” Dependent. The Magazine of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies. 21/1, pp. 12-13.
14. 2022 “Asian Art as Mirror of Dependencies: Student Exhibition in the Department of Asian and Islamic Art History.” Together with Karina Linke. Dependent. The Magazine of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies. 22/1, pp. 22-23.
15. 2022 “Embodied Dependencies and Freedoms: Artistic Communities and Patronage in Asia: International Conference 14-15t October 2021.” Dependent. The Magazine of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies. 22/1, pp. 53-54.
16. 2024 “Ecological Dependencies in the Temple Architecture of South India.” Dependent. The Magazine of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies. Issue 10, 2024/2, pp. 37-41.

Editor of the Publication Series Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC)

1. Julia A.B. Hegewald, 2014, In the Shadow of the Golden Age: Art and Identity in Asia from Gandhara to the Modern Age. (ed.), Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 1, Eb-Verlag, Berlin.
2. Tiziana Lorenzetti, 2015, Understanding the Hindu Temple: History, Symbols and Forms. (ed.), Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 2, Eb-Verlag, Berlin.
3. Julia A.B. Hegewald, 2015, Jaina Painting and Manuscript Culture: In Memory of Paolo Pianarosa. (ed.), Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 3, Eb-Verlag, Berlin.
4. Heidi Rika Maria Pauwels, 2015, Cultural Exchange in Eighteenth-Century India: Poetry and Paintngs from Kishangarh. (ed.), Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 4, Eb-Verlag, Berlin.
5. Nadhra Shahbaz Khan, 2018, The Samādhi of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in Lahore: A Summation of Sikh Architectural and Decorative Practices. (ed.), Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 5, Eb-Verlag, Berlin.
6. Andrea Luithle-Hardenberg, John E. Cort & Leslie C. Orr, 2020, Cooperation, Contribution and Contestation: The Jain Community, Colonialism and Jainological Scholarship 1800-1950. (ed.), Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 6, Eb-Verlag, Berlin.
7. Julia A.B. Hegewald, 2020, In the Footsteps of the Masters: Footprints, Feet and Shoes as Objects of Veneration in Asian, Islamic and Mediterranean Art. (ed.), Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 7, Eb-Verlag, Berlin.
8. Cathleen A. Cummings, 2022, A History of Hindu Architecture in India. (ed), Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC), vol. 8, Eb-Verlag, Berlin.

Stand: December 2024



Professional Associations and Memberships

Member of the:

  • Since April 2022  Member of the Internationale Zentrum für Philosophie NRW (IZPH-NRW) at the University of Bonn
  • Wiederwahl zum Kommissionsmitglied des Beirats der Kommission für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen (KAAK) des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (DAI) (2. Mandatszeit)
  • Deputy member of the steering committee (Vertreterin im Lenkungsausschuß) of the Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA) 5, the University of Bonn (2020-2022)
  • Member of the Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA) 5, the University of Bonn
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Navrachana University Centre for Heritage Research, School of Environmental Design and Architecture, Navrachana University, Vadodara, India
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Global Arachaeology (JoGa), Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) / Kommission für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen (KAAK)
  • Member of the Board of Advisors, Rietberg Museum, Zurich, Jaina exhibition project (2019-2023)
  • Founding Member of the Bonn Center of Digital Humanities (BCDH), The University of Bonn
  • Member of the Steering Committee, Cluster of Excellence "Beyond Slavery and Freedom: Asymmetrical Dependencies in Pre-Modern Societies" at the University of Bonn (2018 - 2919)
  • Speaker of Research Area B "Embodied Dependencies" in the Cluster of Excellence "Beyond Slavery and Freedom: Asymmetrical Dependencies in Pre-Modern Societies" at the University of Bonn (2018 - 2019)
  • Representative for Germany (Ländervertreterin für Deutschland) of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA) (2018-2024)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the on-line journal BOAS_Insights (Bonn Oriental and Asian Studies), Bonn
  • Editorial board of Veranda, the journal of the Sushant Scholl of Art & Architecture, Ansal University, Gurgaon, India
  • Expert for evaluating doctoral dissertations at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
  • Editorial Board of the monograph series European Studies in Asian Art and Archaeology, E.J. Brill, Leiden (2016-2023)
  • Member of the Bonn Centre for Dependency and Slavery Studies, The University of Bonn
  • Ordentliches Mitglied des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (DAI)
  • Kommissionsmitglied des Beirats der Kommission für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen (KAAK) des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (DAI)
  • Member of ‘Nepal Network’, supporting the preservation of Nepal’s artistic and cultural heritage after the 2015 earthquakes
  • Member of the Humboldt Network
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), Rome and New Delhi
  • Founding member and board member of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA) (2012-2023)
  • Forum for International Studies Bonn (Forum Internationale Wissenschaften Bonn), Faculty of Humanities, The University of  Bonn
  • Centre for Cultural Studies (Zentrum für Kulturwissenschaft), Faculty of Humanities, The University of Bonn (2012-2021)
  • Member of Varl (Verbund Archäologischer Institutionen in Köln und Bonn)
  • Member of the Bonn International Graduate School - Oriental and Asian Studies (BIGS - OAS)
  • Editorial Board of the Series "Bonner Asienstudien", Eb Verlag, Berin
  • Centre for Transcultural Narratology (Zentrum für Transkulturelle Narratologie), University of Bonn
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the series “Bonner Asienwissenschaften” EB Verlag, Berlin
  • Bonn Asia Centre (Bonner Asienzentrum), University of Bonn
  • Advisory Board of the Vienna Journal of South Asian Studies (Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, WZKS)
  • International Advisory Board, Center for Jain Studies and Religious Pluralism, Florida International University, USA
  • 2010-2022 Member oft the Editorial Board of Contemporary South Asia
  • International Advisory Board of the South Asian Studies Association (SASA), California, USA
  • Editorial Advisory Board of the Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics (HPSACP), South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • Directorship of the interdisciplinary South Asia Research Group (SARG), The University of Manchester (together with Prof. Kunal Sen, Institute for Development Policiy and Management (IDPM) (2008)
  • Member of the Excellence Cluster "Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows," University of Heidelberg International Co-operation Partner for Research Area A (Governance and Administration); Individual research project with Prof. Subrata K. Mitra on "Building Citizenship: Public Buildings and Citzenship in South Asia." (2007 - 2010)
  • Editorial Board of the International Journal of Jaina Studies (IJJS), School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
  • Centre of Jaina Studies (CoJS), School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
  • Member of the Collaborative Research Centre "Dynamics of Ritual: Socio-cultural Processes in a Historical and Cultural Comparative Perspective" (SFB 619), The University of Heidelberg (2004 - 2007)
  • Founding trustee of the Cam-Kar Research Institute in Mysore, India
  • Member of the Vidisha Research Project, based at the British Museum, London (2000 - 2004)
  • Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, London
  • Member of the Gesellschaft für Indo-Asiatische Kunst, Berlin
  • Member of the Traditional Cosmology Society, University of Edinburgh (1996-2014)
  • Member of the Society for South Asian Studies, Later British Association for South Asian Studies (1993-2024)
Stand: December 2024

Referee Activities (Gutachtertätigkeit)

For Research Applications and Prize Nominations

  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
  • Austrian Ministry of Research (Österreichisches Wissenschaftsministerium, OeAD-GmbH)
  • Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF), Österreich
  • Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)
  • Prince Claus, Amsterdam
  • Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
  • 'Expert' for the Fund for Scientic Research (Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS), Belgium)
  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
  • Czech Science Foundation (GAČR, Grantová Agentura České Republiky)
  • Reseach Foundation Flanders (FWO)
  • British Council
  • Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
  • British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES)

For Academic Publishers and Journals

  • RIHA, Journal of the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art
  • Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
  • Miscellanea Mediaevalia
  • Vienna Journal of South Asian Studies (WZKS)
  • Contemporary South Asia
  • International Journal of Jaina Studies (IJJS)
  • South Asian Studies

Prizes and Grants

Three-year-extension to Emmy Noether-Research Scholarship (DFG)
Prix en études indiennes 2010, Fondation Colette Caillat, Institut de France, Paris
Distinguished Achievement Medal – Researcher of the Year 2009, The University of Manchester
2009-2012 Three-year extension to Emmy Noether Research Scholarship (DFG)
2008-2010 Visiting Fellow, Cluster of Excellence, Heidelberg University
2008 Travel grant, School of Arts Histories and Cultures, The University of Manchester
2008 Teacher Mobility Grant (EU Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus and the British Council)
2007 Publication grant, Ernst Waldschmidt Stiftung, Berlin
2005-2009 Emmy Noether Research Scholarship (DFG), Phase II (national)
2002-2004 Emmy Noether Research Scholarship (DFG), Phase I (international), at the Oriental Institute and University College, University of Oxford
2001-2003 Research Scholarship, The Wingate Foundation
2000 Publication Grant, The British Academy
1999-2002 Field Director, The Society for South Asian Studies, London
1999 Travel grant, University College, The University of Oxford
1996-1998 Postgraduate Studentship Award, The University of London
1995-1996 Language Scholarship, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), The University of London
1995 Travel grant, Central Research Fund, The University of London
1995 Travel grant, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), The University of London
1994 School’s Prize for final year undergraduates, SOAS, The University of London
1993 Undergraduate School Prize for non-finalists, SOAS, The University of London
1993 Travel grant, SOAS, The University of London
1991-1994 BA Scholarship, Lewisham Council, London

Stand: Januar 2022

Organisation of Conferences and Exhibitions

Conferences and Lecture Series:
Dec 2023 Charing a panel on the workshop “Cultural Encounters and Contested
Heritage,” Centro des Estudos Sociais (CES), Universidad de Coimbra, Portugal,
6. December 2023.
Nov 2022 Co-organisation of the Workshop “Insights into the Archaeology and Art History of Sri Lanka - Einblicke in die Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte Sri Lankas. Together with Dr. Ariane de Saxcé. Department of Asian and Islamic Art History, 17. November 2022.
Nov 2022 Organisation of the of two-day international virtual conference in the Department of Asian and Islamic Art History, The University of Bonn, entitled “Images and Stories of the Origin(s) of the World and Humankind.” 3. - 4. November 2022. Together with Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich.
2021/22 Organisation of two-day international virtual conference in the Department of Asian and Islamic Art History, The University of Bonn, entitled “Embodied Dependencies and Freedoms: Artistic Communities and Patronage in Asia.” 14th and 15th October 2021.
2021 Co-organisation of the annual conference of Research Area B (Embodied Dependencies) in the Cluster of Excellence “Beyond Slavery and Freedom:
Asymmetrical Dependencies in Pre-Modern Societies” and chairing of one panel, The University of Bonn, 22nd and 23rd September 2021.
2019 Support for organisation of the “1. Deutscher Südasientag,” the University of Bonn, together with the Departments of Modern South Asian Studies, Comparative Religions and Islamic Studies, 27th and 28th June 2019.
WS 2018/19 Organisation of three-day international conference "Dependency, Inequality and Material Culture" together with Prof. Martin Bentz
Akademisches Kunstmuseum, Universität Bonn, 12.-14. February 2019
SS 2018 Organisation of three-day international conference "In the Footsteps of the Masters: Footprints, Feet and Shoes as Objects of Veneration in the Arts of Asia." Hauptgebäude University of Bonn and Akademisches Kunstmuseum,19. - 21. April 2018
Organisation of lecture series (Ringvorlesung) on Himalayan art and architecture,
 WS 2015/16, Department of Asian and Islamic Art History (AIK), Bonn
2015 Workshop organiser “Prof. Dr. Gritli von Mitterwallner: Ein Leben für die Forschung in Indien.” 30th October 2015,  Department of Asian and Islamic Art History (AIK), Bonn
2013 Official inauguration and opening of the Gahl-Schoeller Collection of East-Asian Art,
Department of Asian and Islamic Art History (AIK), The University of Bonn
2012 Official opening of the Pianarosa Jaina Library, Bonn, 28th June 2012, Department of Asian and Islamic Art History (AIK), The University of Bonn
2012 International Lecture Series (Ringvorlesung, Studium Universale), “Text, Image and Circulation: Jaina Art in India and the Pianarosa Library in Bonn“, Department of Asian and Islamic Art History, the University of Bonn, April - June 2012
2011 "In the Shadow of the Golden Age: Art and Identity in Asia from Gandhara to the Modern Age.” The University of Bonn (Hauptgebäude and Akademisches Kunstmuseum), 13th - 15th October 2011. Funded through the Emmy Noether Programme, German Research Foundation (DFG)
2008 “Waters East and West: Italy, The Eastern Mediterranean and South Asia” (together with Prof. Suzy Butters, AHVS, Manchester), The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester
2007/08 Member of the Academic Committee and the Organising Committee of the European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies (ECMSAS), The University of Manchester
2007 “Jainism in Karnataka: Literature, History, Religion, Art and Architecture” at the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bangalore, India
2000 “The Sir William Jones Seminar in South and Central Asian Art” University College, The University of Oxford
2021/22 Chairing the panel: “Borrowing, Appropriation and Displacement: Studies in Iconography.” (8 papers) of the virtual conference of the EAAA, spaced out over
nine weeks, 19th October 2021.
2014 “Re-use at the Borders of South Asia: Himalayas and South India.”
(together with Cristina Bignami and Elisa Freschi)
The First Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology,
Olomouc, Czech Republic, 26th September 2014
2008 “Re-use: The Art and Politics of Integration and Anxiety” (together with Prof. Subrata K. Mitra, Heidelberg University), European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, The University of Manchester
2021 Exhibition by students of the Department of Asian and Islamic Art History, entitled “Asian Art as Mirror of Dependencies.” Department of Asian and Islamic Art History, The University of Bonn, 14.07.2021 - 22.01.2023.
2021 Organisation of Growing Exhibition “Ressourcen der Macht: Wie Dinge von Sklaverei und Abhängigkeiten erzählen.” at 4 sites throughout the University of Bonn and in the Department of Asian and Islamic Art History (display cabinet on stimulants), Cluster of Excellence “Beyond Slavery and Freedom: Asymmetrical Dependencies in Pre-Modern Societies.” 14.07.2021 - 16.10.2024.
2015/16 “Public Space and Art in the Himalayas”
Hauptgebäude, University of Bonn (Senatssaal und Großes Dozentenzimmer)
(together with Prof. Pratyush Shankar, Ahmedabad), 18. – 27. January 2016
2015 “Gritli von Mitterwallner: Ihr Weg in die Wissenschaft.”
Department of Asian and Islamic Art History (AIK), The University of Bonn,
WS 2015/16 and SS 2016
2007 “Mudabidri Temples”
Co-operation with Prof. Miki Desai and Pratyush Shankar, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ahmedabad, at the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bangalore, India
2006 “Mahamastakabhisheka 2007”
South Asia Institute (SAI), Heidelberg University
2000 “Jaina Temple Architecture in India”
Exhibition during Oxford Arts Week at University College Oxford and later in the same year in Oxford town hall
1995 Participation in organisation of exhibition on Tibetan scroll paintings (thangkas) Museum für Indische Kunst, Berlin

short Videos:
2021 Short Film by Uni Bonn TV and the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies on the exhibition ‘Resources of Power.’
2022 Participation in the film on the Cluster of Excellence produced by the Ministry of Culture of North-Rhine-Westphalia in the context of the "Forschungsreise NRW 'Möglichmacher'," with Minister of Culture, Isabelle Pfeiffer-Poensgen
Stand: December 2024

Fieldwork in Asia

Regular fieldwork periods in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tibet and Bhutan since 1990

Excavations and Museum Work

Between 1988 and 1991 work in archaeological excavations with:
•  KAVA/ DAI Berlin (Khingar, Annapurna area, Nepal)
•  University of Ferrara, Italy (Castro Caro)
•  IsIAO, Rome (Patan and Pashupatinath, Nepal)
•  Rheinisches Amt für Bodendenkmalpflege (Gut Melaten, Aachen)

1995 Internship at Museum für Indische Kunst, Berlin

Stand: Januar 2022

Research Projects

2024-2029 External collaborator of task force 3 (TF3) “Visible Mantras” in the ERC Synergy grant project: “Mantras in Religion, Media, and Society in Global Southern Asia” headed by Carola E. Lorea, Borayin Larios and Finnian M.M. Gerety,  (volume: 10 million Euros)
2022-2024 PORT of CALL
Research Project PORTofCALL: African-Asian-European Encounters: Cultural Heritage and Ports of Call in the Indian Ocean during the Early Modern Period
together with Dr. Marta Peters Oliveira, Porto, and Dr. Sidh Losa Mendiratta, Coimbra, funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal.
since 2020 Work on preparing the application for the Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) “Wirklichkeit / Fiktion” at the University of Bonn, to be submitted to the German Research Foundation (DFG)
2018-2025 Beyond Slavery and Freedom
Principal Investigator (PI) in the Cluster of Excellence „Beyond Slavery and  Freedom: Asymmetrical Dependencies in Pre-Modern Societies” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the University of Bonn. Own Project Title: “Artistic Communities and Patronage in Asia: Dependencies and Freedoms.”
2017/18 Principal Investigator in the application for a Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn, submitted to the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Jainism in Karnataka
“Jainism in Karnataka: History, Architecture and Religion.” Interdisciplinary Emmy Noether Research Group funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
2008-2010 Asia and Europe in a Global Context
Participation in the Excellence Cluster “Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows,” Heidelberg University, International Co- operation Partner for Research Area A (Governance and Administration), Individual research project with Prof. Subrata K. Mitra on “Building Citizenship: Public Buildings and Citizenship in South Asia.”
2004-2007 Dynamics of Ritual
Member of the Collaborative Research Centre “Dynamics of Ritual: Socio- cultural Processes in a Historical and Cultural Comparative Perspective” (SFB 619), Heidelberg University
2000-2004 Vidisha Research Project
Member of the “Vidisha Research Group: Locating Pan-Indian Processes of Cultural, Religious and Historical Change in a Regional Setting,” The British Museum, London. Funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council
1998-2007 Jaina Temple Architecture in India
This project was funded through a number of scholarships from the Society for South Asian Studies (Project Director 1999-2002), University College Oxford, the Wingate Foundation (2001-2003) and the German Research Foundation (DFG, 2002-2004)
1994-1998 Water Architecture in South Asia
This project was funded through a number of grants from the University of London (1996-1998), the Central Research Fund (1995), the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) London (1995, 1995-1996) and the British Academy (2000)

PhD Supervision

Current PhD students:
Martha Geiger “Buddhist Caves in Asia”
Waheeda Bano "Globalization and Contemporary Pakistani Art"
Jahfar Shareef Pokkanali "Sacred Spatialities in Transition: Mapping Muslim Architecture in the Littorals of Southern India"
Laura Drinck "Der asiatische und orientalische Einfluss auf westliche Textilien, Kleidung und Inneneinrichtung"
Bolormaa Boldbaatar "Symbolik von grafischer Gestaltung in der mongolischen Nomadenkunst - Einflüsse auf heutige visuelle Kommunikation"
Julita Oesanty Oetojo "The Changing Identity of Indonesian Costumes and Textiles Arts"
Eric Ebelt "Die Umsetzung, Verwendung, Funktionalität und Entwicklung von japanischer Architektur in Videospielen"
Ping-Yang Chen "The Jampa Lhakhang of Lo Manthang and Its Artistic Wonders."
Verena Koll Wie die japanische Kunst in die pariser Druckkunst überging. Eine Symbiose in der Kunst?
Susanne Löffler Nachhaltige Strategien zur Vermarktung immateriellen Kulturgutes: Wie Kulturpolitik und Marketingstrategien zu Schutzinstrumenten werden können.
Kevin Fernandes Search of the Mangalorean Church: Exploring Local Christian Identity Formation through Church Architecture and Community
Completed PhD students:
Sabine Scholz (2011) “The Digambara Jainas of South Maharashtra and North Karnataka since the Late 19th Century: Towards the Establishment of Collective Religious Identity and a Digambara Jaina Community.”
Regina Höfer (2018) “Ein Habsburger auf Trophäenjagd: Die Südasiensammlung Franz Ferdinand von Österreich-Este zwischen kolonialem Weltbild, Kunst und Souvenir"
Daniel Suebsman
"Chinesisches Porzellan in Deutschland: Seine Kulturgeschichte vom 15. bis ins 18. Jahrhundert"
Rebekka Welker (2021) “Die visuelle Darstellung Indiens in Missionszeitschriften der Basler
(2021) Mission zwischen 1849 und 1870: Biblische und emblematische Leseweisen der indischen Kultur als Inspiration für missionsbezogene Holzstiche und ihre Interpretation.”
Sandra Schlage
"Elegant Dancers Engraved in Stone: Content, Style, and Symbolism of Dance Reliefs of the Tamiḻ Region"
Mia Dora Prvan
“Trauma and Memory in Visuality: The Art of Nalini Malani and the Politics of Memory"
Julia Holz (2024) "Gender in der zeitgenössischen Kunst Vietnams"

Stand: Februar 2025

Committees / Gremien (Selbstverwaltung)

Since Dec 2021 Student Loans Representative for the letter ‘S’ (Bafög-Beauftragte)
Since SS 2020 Member of Transdisciplinary Research Area 5 (TRA 5: Vergangene Welten - Zeitgenössische Fragen. Kultur in Zeit und Raum), The University of Bonn
Since SS 2020 Elected member of the Facultyboard (gewählter Fakultätsrat)
Since SS 2019 Mentor for Postdoc and Habilitation candidates in the Metra Programme of the University of Bonn (Mentoring-Programm für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen
Since 2017 Member of the commission for the distribution of quality improvement funds (Qualitätsverbesserungs-Mittel, QV-Mittel) of the University
Since 2016 Head 2016 year group of the Bonn International Graduate School-Oriental and Asian Studies (BIGS-OAS)
Since SS 2016 Deputy Member of the Doctoral Committee, Faculty of Humanities, The University of Bonn (Stellvertretendes Mitglied des Promotionsausschußes)
2014-2016 Elected member of the Facultyboard (gewählter Fakultätsrat)
From February 2014 till September 2014 first on reserve list;
Since October 2014 permanent elected member of the inner circle.
2014-2021 Member of the teaching assessment/appraisals commission (Evaluationskommission), Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (IOA)
Since SS 2012 Member of the Dean’s Advisory Board on Research and International Affairs, Faculty of Humanities, The University of Bonn (Mitglied des Advisory Boards für Forschung und Internationales)
2012-2023 Member of the Dean’s Advisory Board for Research and International Affairs
2012-2017 Coordinator and Contact Person for International Students, Bonn International Graduate School - Oriental and Asian Studies (BIGS - OAS)
2012-2014 Head of the teaching assessment/appraisals commission (Evaluationsbeauftragte)
2011-2012 Member of the Finance Committee, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (IOA), The University of Bonn (Mitglied der Finanzkommission)
Since 2010 Member of the Bonn International Graduate School - Oriental and Asian Studies (BIGS - OAS)
2010-2012 IT-Representative of the Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (IOA), The University of Bonn (IT-Beauftragte)
2009-2010 Assessment Officer for Art History & Visual Studies (AHVS), The University of Manchester
2000-2004 Academic Director for the National University of Singapore Exchange Scheme at University College, University of Oxford
2000-2004 Academic Director for the Peking Law School Exchange Schemes, University College at University of Oxford
Stand: Januar 2024